👋 Introduce yourself!

Say hi and let the community know where you’re from, what you do, and anything else fun you’d like to share!


yo yo, Dima, co-founder of QuickNode here :saluting_face:


Hi, I am a passionate DevRel, Web Developer and Maverik who thinks outside the box, take risks and has a relentless drive to reinvent and revolutionize the system. I am passionate about employing technology to solve societal and grassroots challenges.


Welcome to the QN community, @Kamaldeen_Sulyman!


Hi,i am here to learn about smart contracts and some info on technicals


Hello everyone, this is Renat Ghoste and I am a QuickNode Ambassador)


Hi there, I’m Reuben, I’m new to the quicknode community

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hi i am tahsin i started using quicknode and . am extremely pleased.

Well done with the Blockchain Blizzard campaign. I look forward to learning more about Quicknode in the next few months.

Hi there, i am Jeremy, just started learning web3 and other stuff

Hello Everyone, I am Simeon. An EVM security researcher and smart contract engineer. I use QuickNode’s RPC to deploy smart contracts. Most recent blockchain I deployed to is the scroll mainnet.

Hello, world! I am Ondkloss, web2 software dev. On-chain since 2019 and recent discoverer of QuickNode. I’ve ventured on-chain for some time.

I dabble with custom RPCs and may run some nodes. I’ve found QuickNode provides excellent service for both!

I am a web3 starter , nice to meet you all!

Hi there, I’m Meharab, I’m new to the quicknode community

Hi All
Looking for my genesis Validator Famz…
They can call me MR F AS I WAS HERE…

yes I can explain lol

Hi my name Phyllisia Moore I’m a beginner developer

hello ,am elly from kenya ,currently learning web 3 from block magic hackathon ,i like the experience and thrill of web 3 so far .i would like to be part of this community .