What is IPFS and how is it related to Web3?

  1. How does IPFS ensure data integrity and immutability in its decentralized file system?

  2. Can you explain the process of content addressing in IPFS and how it differs from traditional URL-based addressing?

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol and network designed to create a content-addressable, peer-to-peer method of storing and sharing data in a distributed file system. It’s an important part of the decentralized web (Web3) because it enables data to be stored and accessed in a way that’s not dependent on a single, central source.

1.) IPFS ensures data integrity and immutability through content addressing. Each file is identified by a unique cryptographic hash of its content. This means that any change to the file’s content would result in a different hash, making tampering or modification easily detectable.

2.) In IPFS, content addressing involves generating a unique hash based on the content of a file. This hash becomes its identifier, allowing users to retrieve the file from any node in the IPFS network. In contrast, traditional URL-based addressing relies on specific locations or servers to access files, making them prone to link rot if those locations change or become unavailable.

IPFS is a decentralised storage which you can get cid a unique hash string, basically there will be data storage provides who gonna take care, also in a cryptographical peer2peer way.

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