getLogs show Curl certificate problem

Hi, i have problem when try getLogs, it give me error response like below :
cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired (see libcurl - Error Codes)
can somebody help me with this?

Hey Aditya,

Can you please show us what you’re querying so we can look closer?


Hi Nick,
Thank you for the reply.
I want to know when user do deposit to address… so i use this :

         $contract = new Contract($web3->provider, $contractABI);

        $transferEventSignature = 'Transfer(address,address,uint256)';

        $data2 = [
        'fromBlock' => 'earliest', // You can specify a different block number here
        'toBlock' => 'latest',
        'address' => $tokenContractAddress, // The contract address
        'topics' => [$transferEventSignature, null, $walletAddress]

            // Use the filter method to filter Transfer events to your wallet
    $logs = $contract->eth->getLogs([
    'fromBlock' => '0x0', // You can specify a different block number here
    'toBlock' => '0x1',
    'address' => $tokenContractAddress, // The contract address
    'topics' => [null, $walletAddress]
],  function ($err, $result) {
        if ($err !== null) {
            $errmsg = $err->getMessage();
             echo "err: $errmsg";
        } else {
                 // Get the filtered events
            $events = $filter->get();

            // Loop through the events and handle them
            foreach ($result as $event) {
                // Process the Transfer event data
                $fromAddress = $event['topics'][1];
                $toAddress = $event['topics'][2];
                $amount = $event['data'];
                $txid = $event['transactionHash'];

                // You can format and display the data as needed
                echo "From: $fromAddress, To: $toAddress, Amount: $amount, TXID: $txid\n";


I’m using laravel with web3p/web3

Thank you

Hey Aditya,

You will need to open a ticket with our team here so we can look at your code more closely. You can do so at the following link -
