Is there a way to get transfers of the smart contract itself instead of for a specific NFT? I tried to just omit the tokenId but that comes in as malformed.
Want to be able to see all transfers of a eth/poly smart-contract to determine all past/present owner wallets of said smart-contract
Appreciate you Nick. Gonna take a look at the graph api, that definitely seems like the right direction.
Of note, I think your request gets tokenTransfers whereas I’m looking for contract ownership transfers/information. Ex: Wallet-address-A created a 721||1155 contract => Wallet-address-A transferred contract ownership to Wallet-address-B
Calling owner on the contract would give the current owner’s address. We don’t currently index ownership transfers.
If those events are of interest in real-time, you may utilize QuickAlerts to listen for OwnershipTransferred events on smart contracts. Not all contracts follow the same conventions, but many do.